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President Obama holds an open discussion across the aisle. Complete Video.
After witnessing this incredible dialogue from President Obama and the difficulty from Republicans to disengage the partisan rhetoric, even immediately after President Obama pleaded with them to do so, I have a question for the president, who, on February 4, 2010, will be speaking to grassroots supporters and answering questions about our plan to move forward.... (You can ask your question here.)

My question:

Dear Mr. President,
Now that you've shown the way forward with your graciousness and ability to work with the other side of the aisle and you've shown that this kind of bi-partisanship is the way and seemingly the only way to get things done for the people of the United States, what are your plans to continue this rather amazing and much needed transition? I do not envy you that, but I support the idea wholeheartedly!

Thank you, Mr. President.
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