This is the new blog...CONFESSION ZERO


FDA Commish: restore Americans' faith in the much-maligned agency

"Q. How do you make regulatory science a critical part of innovation?

A. I think, as a nation, it is critically important that we strengthen our commitment to regulatory science to make it a robust and respected discipline in the broader scientific enterprise. This is the key to ensuring that recent scientific discoveries which hold such promise are actually translated into new therapies and treatments."
Well, Margaret Hamburg, M.D. and the FDA could start by stopping influence of ADA dental industry lobby on local dentists who sing the "we support water fluoridation" mantra without knowing or accepting the emerging, new scientific facts on the risks of fluoride! Call for investigatory tests on the toxic effects of fluoride on men, women and children! Fluoride is a drug, after all!

Slightly O/T but here's a Media Critique: Dr. Hamburg's interview was in cnnMoney/Fortune. Funny, that. Why not in science or health? In keeping with the business angle, CNN could run a story about this recent, enlightening news: JADA Study Proves Fluoridation is Money down the Drain. I bet you 2.7 ppm of Hydrofluorosilicic acid that the M$M won't touch the story.

Thank you... for reading this post! It's at Blazing Indiscretions, too.
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